Dmail and the Internet Computer Protocol (ICP): Strengthening Ties

ICP's presence on SubHub allows for direct and effective communication with Dmail's vast user base of well over 5.5 million users who have already proactively distributed 110 million message transactions.

Dmail and the Internet Computer Protocol (ICP): Strengthening Ties
Subscribe to the Internet Computer's Channel for regular updates via web3 messaging direct to your wallet on the Dmail dApp:

Dmail and ICP: Collaborative Progress

Dmail is pleased to announce the inclusion of the Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) in its SubHub. This collaboration underscores a commitment to decentralized innovation. ICP is unique in its full-stack decentralization, setting it apart from other chains that rely on centralized services like AWS.

Our association with ICP began in 2021 when Dmail originally chose to build on this platform, before transitioning to a multi-chain model. While we now facilitate 18 different chains and plan to integrate more, ICP remains a pivotal project for us, having provided essential architecture, grants, and various forms of support.

As we continue to grow, our relationship with ICP is stronger than ever. We're excited to offer our comprehensive web3 communications service to our longstanding partner, furthering our mutual vision for a decentralized and connected digital world.

ICP: Pioneering Full-Stack Decentralization

The Internet Computer Protocol, renowned for its groundbreaking approach to blockchain technology, offers comprehensive full-stack decentralization. This feature, coupled with unique capabilities such as reverse gas fees and superior storage solutions, makes ICP a perfect ally for Dmail's decentralized communication platform.

Simplified sign-up to Dmail's SubHub

Joining Dmail's SubHub is an effortless and straightforward sign-up process, designed to take a mere five minutes without requiring any form of technical integration or understanding. This simplicity encourages a broad range of innovative blockchain projects like ICP to connect with Dmail's expansive user network efficiently with minimal effort.

Advantages of ICP's Presence on SubHub:
  1. Streamlined Communication: ICP's presence on SubHub allows for direct and effective communication with Dmail's vast user base of well over 5.5 million users who have already proactively distributed 110 million message transactions. Users can opt to subscribe to projects to receive updates and soon will be able to get tokenized rewards for engaging with the information they care about. This incredible value proposition is set to bring tens of millions of users to Dmail- who wouldn't want to be paid to stay informed and connected?!

2. Instant Access to Updates: Users subscribed to ICP on SubHub receive immediate information on the latest developments direct to their wallets and DID's, fostering an informed and engaged community. They can even choose to auto-forward messaging to Telegram for a real-time feed.

3. Community Engagement: This integration facilitates dynamic interactions between ICP supporters and the broader Dmail community, paving the way for collaborative innovation.

Experience ICP within the Dmail Ecosystem

Engage with the world of ICP on Dmail's SubHub. Stay on the pulse of ICP's advancements and be part of a community at the forefront of blockchain evolution. The best part is that this is true web3 messaging- you receive mail in your subscription folder on the Dmail dApp via your wallet or DID!

Conclusion: The best is Yet to Come!

Looking ahead, our alliance with ICP is set to evolve beyond just the SubHub integration. We see this as the beginning of a multifaceted collaboration, exploring various avenues where our combined strengths can foster innovation, enhance user experience, and contribute significantly to the growth of a decentralized digital world.

Our commitment to work alongside ICP extends to all potential areas of mutual interest. Whether it's exploring advanced technological integrations, co-developing new features, or participating in joint community initiatives, we are keen to deepen our cooperation. This partnership is a testament to our belief in the power of collaboration to drive progress in the Web3 space.

Together, Dmail and ICP are not just connecting platforms and communities; we are building bridges that pave the way for a more interconnected, secure, and user-centric Web3 ecosystem. We look forward to a future where our combined efforts yield innovative solutions, leading the charge in the ever-evolving blockchain landscape.

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