Dmail Community Ambassador & Mod Program

We are actively seeking community members to help shape the future of Dmail and earn rewards doing so! To apply, don't hesitate to get in touch with: [email protected]

Dmail Community Ambassador & Mod Program

We are excited to announce the official launch of the Dmail Community Volunteer Program, and we are actively seeking enthusiastic and capable individuals to join our team. As a volunteer, you can work with us to advance and grow the Dmail community. If you are passionate about Dmail technology and the ecosystem and want to contribute to the community, we welcome you to join us.

In recognition of your valuable contributions, we offer generous rewards and exclusive status for our volunteers. Those who perform well will also have the opportunity to receive an additional monthly salary.

Ambassadors: Ambassadors control regional accounts and translate our articles on this blog into their languages and publish via Medium, then social networks. They also translate our main accounts' messaging and help like, retweet, and comment to gain network effects. They have unlimited earning potential via our partnership program.

The following plan outlines the expectations for Dmail ambassadors in enhancing their productivity and output on Twitter, and Discord, and in establishing partnerships for Dmail. The ambassadors will be incentivized through a pay scale based on their performance.

Moderators: Moderators can gain access to airdrops and the partnership program (see below) to earn money for connecting projects.

To apply, don't hesitate to get in touch with: [email protected]

Instructions for Ambassadors


  1. Engage with Dmail's official accounts: Like, retweet, and comment on tweets from the official Dmail accounts.
  2. Post Dmail-related content: Regularly tweet about Dmail and its services, using relevant hashtags and tagging the official Dmail accounts.
  3. Participate in relevant discussions: Engage with other users discussing topics related to Dmail or the industry.
  4. Promote Dmail events: Promote any upcoming Dmail events, webinars, or product launches.
  5. Monitor and respond to mentions: Regularly check notifications for mentions of the Dmail account, and respond to them promptly and professionally.
  6. Translate posts into your respective language.


  1. Contribute to discussions: Regularly contribute to conversations in the Dmail server and answer user queries.
  2. Promote Dmail services: Talk about and promote Dmail services in appropriate channels.
  3. Recruit new members: Encourage other users to join the Dmail server and engage with the community.
  4. Collect user feedback: Collect and report any feedback or suggestions from the community about Dmail services.


  1. Identify potential partners: Regularly scout for potential partners who would benefit from collaborating with Dmail.
  2. Establish contact: Reach out to potential partners and start discussions about a potential partnership.
  3. Facilitate the partnership process: Work with both Dmail and the potential partner to facilitate the partnership process.
  4. Promote the partnership: Once a partnership has been established, promote it on Twitter and Discord.

Ambassador Rubric

The pay scale for Dmail ambassadors varies and can be discussed based on the following rubric that assesses productivity and input:

Twitter (Weight: 70%)

  1. Engagement with Dmail's official accounts (liking, retweeting, commenting) (25%)
  2. Frequency and quality of Dmail-related posts- Including graphics/infographics, memes, translation into native language, etc (25%)
  3. Promotion of Dmail in other threads (20%)

Discord (Weight: 30%)

  1. Contribution to discussions (15%)
  2. Promotion of Dmail services & feedback  (15%)

The ambassadors' performance will be tracked and evaluated regularly against this rubric to determine their pay. High-performing ambassadors have the potential to earn higher amounts, providing strong incentives to contribute to Dmail's growth and success.

Open to both Ambassadors and Moderators

Partnership Bonus Program

In addition to the regular pay scale, Dmail ambassadors can also earn bonuses for successful partnerships. The bonus amount will depend on the size and impact of the partnership:

  • Medium Partnerships: $50 bonus for partnerships with mid-sized companies or businesses with significant potential for co-marketing opportunities and a decent scope for product integration.
  • Large Partnerships: $100 bonus for major partnerships with large corporations or well-known brands, offering the most significant synergies and the most comprehensive scope for co-marketing and product integration.

These bonuses are contingent on the partnership being successfully established and the extent of the partnership's synergies, focusing primarily on co-marketing opportunities and the integration of Dmail products.

Ambassador of the Month/ Moderator of the Month- $ bonus each plus NFTs if possible (highest score)

As a Dmail community volunteer, you will:

  • Participate in constructing and promoting the Dmail community, contributing to its development and growth.
  • Take on important roles within the Dmail community, supporting and assisting fellow community members.
  • Create educational content for social media, and grow your account while supporting Dmail's community and official platforms.
  • Be recognized and appreciated by the Dmail community, becoming an integral part of our community.
  • Receive exclusive team rewards from Dmail for your contributions.
If you are interested and meet the following criteria, we invite you to join us:
  • Some knowledge and understanding of Dmail.
  • Community building experience
  • Access to quality community resources.
  • Availability of time and energy to actively participate in the work and activities of the Dmail community.
  • Skills include text content creation, social media, technology development, meme creation, blog writing, community management, and more.
To apply, don't hesitate to get in touch with: [email protected]

We will review your information as soon as possible, and if it meets our requirements, we will arrange an interview with you.

About Dmail:

Dmail is a Web3 multi-chain infrastructure based on mail notify, designed to provide a secure, private, and efficient cross-chain encrypted communication protocol. We have integrated and provided services for ENS, Unstoppable, SpaceID, Lens, Conflux, BNB Chain, and over 80 other projects. With a growing user base of over 300,000 users and more than 6 million messages sent, we are committed to advancing the decentralized communication landscape.

Join us as a Dmail community volunteer and contribute to the vibrant growth of our community. Together, we can shape the future of decentralized communication.

Connect with Dmail: Beta Mainnet | Website | Twitter | Discord | Gitbook tutorial