Hello Pixel Joins Dmail Network's SubHub: Revolutionizing Web3 Gamification Through Telegram

By integrating Hello Pixel into the Dmail Subscription Hub, the platform not only expands its reach to a global audience but also aligns with Dmail's commitment to supporting innovative projects

Hello Pixel Joins Dmail Network's SubHub: Revolutionizing Web3 Gamification Through Telegram
Subscribe to the Hello Pixel Subhub channel for p2p messages sent directly to your wallet or DID which you can access when connected to the Dmail Dapp:https://dmail.ai/sub/pixel

Dmail Network is excited to announce its partnership with Hello Pixel, a cutting-edge project that redefines Web3 gamification and opens up new opportunities for mass adoption. By integrating Hello Pixel into the Dmail Subscription Hub, this collaboration marks a significant advancement in making complex Web3 technologies accessible and engaging through innovative gamification.

Dmail Network: Enhancing Blockchain Communication

With 9.70 million users and over 202 million messages transacted, complemented by 123.80 million on-chain transactions and 3 million NFT domains minted, Dmail Network continues to be a leader in blockchain communication. The platform provides direct engagement between projects and their audiences through secure wallets and Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs), boosting project visibility and fostering user interaction across the blockchain ecosystem.

Introducing Hello Pixel: Gamified Multichain Wallet Built on Telegram

Hello Pixel has created a buzz in the Web3 space with its Pixel Wallet, a gamified ultimate multichain wallet integrated directly within Telegram. This approach not only simplifies the user experience by presenting Web3 in an easy-to-understand, gamified form but also leverages the popularity of Telegram to attract and retain users.

Core Features of Hello Pixel

  • Extensive Reach: In just 4 weeks of stress testing, Hello Pixel achieved 550,000 registered wallets and over 25 million transactions, showcasing its potential for rapid growth and high user engagement.
  • Innovative Integration: By building the wallet inside Telegram, Hello Pixel simplifies access to Web3, allowing users to easily manage their assets and engage with blockchain technologies.
  • Advanced Gamification: Incorporating elements of SocialFi, GameFi, DeFi, and AI, Hello Pixel provides a unique, gamified introduction to DeFi, enhancing user understanding and participation.

A Partnership Focused on Web3 Accessibility and User Engagement

The collaboration between Dmail Network and Hello Pixel is set to transform how users interact with and understand Web3 technologies. By integrating Hello Pixel into the Dmail Subscription Hub, the platform not only expands its reach to a global audience but also aligns with Dmail's commitment to supporting innovative projects that enhance the blockchain user experience.

As Hello Pixel becomes part of the Dmail ecosystem, users can look forward to an engaging and simplified approach to Web3, making it more accessible and enjoyable for a broader audience.

Engage with Hello Pixel and Discover the Fun Side of Web3

To learn more about Hello Pixel and its revolutionary approach to Web3 gamification, visit their website and engage with the community through Twitter, Telegram, and by trying out the Pixel Wallet directly in Telegram. Explore their Gitbook docs for detailed information on their offerings and tokenomics.

Together, Dmail Network and Hello Pixel are not just enhancing the Web3 experience; they are pioneering a new era where blockchain technology is fun, accessible, and seamlessly integrated into daily social interactions. Join us as we embark on this exciting journey towards a gamified and user-centric decentralized web.

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