Hitmakr X Dmail Network: Catalyzing a Revolution in the Music Industry

With 9.5 million users and over 186 million messages transacted, Dmail Network stands at the forefront of blockchain communication.

Hitmakr X Dmail Network: Catalyzing a Revolution in the Music Industry
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Dmail Network is excited to announce a transformative partnership with Hitmakr, a groundbreaking web3 audio platform that is set to revolutionize the music industry by championing artists' rights, transparency, and fair compensation. By integrating into the Dmail Subscription Hub, Hitmakr marks a significant stride towards empowering musicians and content creators to take control of their work, maximize revenue, and foster sustainable careers in the digital age.

Dmail Network: Elevating Blockchain Communication and Project Visibility

With 9.5 million users and over 186 million messages transacted, Dmail Network stands at the forefront of blockchain communication. The platform has successfully onboarded more than 250 projects, offering a direct line for projects to engage with their audience through secure wallets and Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs), significantly enhancing project visibility and fostering deeper user interaction across the blockchain ecosystem.

Introducing Hitmakr: Pioneering a New Era for Audio Creatives

Hitmakr is revolutionizing the music industry by prioritizing the needs and rights of artists and content creators. With a mission rooted in the belief of ownership and control, Hitmakr provides a sanctuary for artists to thrive away from the traditional industry constraints that often limit their ability to fully benefit from their creations.

Empowering Artists as Entrepreneurs

  • Ownership and Control: Hitmakr empowers artists to own, control, and prosper from their works, challenging the traditional music industry's restrictive practices.
  • Multifaceted Income Streams: Beyond mere audio sales, Hitmakr enables artists to explore diverse revenue avenues, including royalties from collaborative works and derivative creations.
  • Seamless Collaborations: The platform facilitates collaborations that allow artists to earn ongoing revenue as their work evolves and finds resonance with broader audiences.
  • Licensing Opportunities: Artists are empowered to forge meaningful partnerships, expanding their impact and reach through licensing agreements for their audio creations.

A Partnership Driving Music Industry Innovation

The collaboration between Dmail Network and Hitmakr is poised to redefine the music industry landscape. By joining the Dmail Subscription Hub, Hitmakr not only gains access to an extensive and engaged user base but also aligns with Dmail's commitment to supporting innovative projects that harness blockchain technology to enhance user experiences and creator rights.

As Hitmakr integrates into the Dmail ecosystem, artists and content creators can look forward to a platform that provides the tools and support needed to navigate the digital age successfully. Hitmakr stands as a beacon of revolution in the way music is created, shared, and appreciated, fostering a community where artists are rightfully recognized and compensated for their contributions.

To learn more about Hitmakr and its vision for transforming the music industry, visit their website and stay connected through Twitter, Discord, and Telegram.

Together, Dmail Network and Hitmakr are not just changing the music industry; they are building a future where artists have the freedom and support to pursue their passions and achieve sustainable success. Join us as we embark on this exciting journey towards a more equitable and innovative music ecosystem.

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