Planet Hares Collaborates with Dmail Network: Web3 Messaging for the Metaverse

By aligning with Dmail's Subscription Hub, Planet Hares enjoys direct access to a large and engaged user base, primed for blockchain and metaverse interactions.

Planet Hares Collaborates with Dmail Network: Web3 Messaging for the Metaverse
SUBSCRIBE to real-time, on-chain messages and notifications from the Planet Hares team via their SubHub Channel here:


Planet Hares, an expansive metaverse ecosystem, is thrilled to announce its strategic alliance with Dmail Network and its 3.5 million registered users via the Subscription Hub. This innovative partnership is set to accelerate user engagement and empower both parties in their respective domains.

About Planet Hares

Planet Hares is a metaverse pioneer, offering an all-encompassing experience that brings together blockchain technology, entertainment culture, and community-driven projects. With a unique focus on diverse entertainment scenarios, the platform showcases its flagship game, Hareverse, and multiple other interactive zones.

Key Metrics:

  • Over 50,000 active users
  • 100,000+ total platform exposure
  • 50+ Brand Partnerships
  • Daily New User Growth Rate: 15%

Highlight: Hareverse

A 3D immersive game that fuses MMORPG elements with a decentralized economic system, Hareverse serves as an adventurous playground where users can participate in PVP, PVE, quests, and even earn NFTs and tokens.

The Strategic Importance of Dmail's Subscription Hub

Immediate Access to a 3.5 Million User Network

By aligning with Dmail's Subscription Hub, Planet Hares enjoys direct access to a large and engaged user base, primed for blockchain and metaverse interactions. This allows Planet Hares to drive substantial growth and capitalize on this unparalleled reach.

Exclusivity and Customized Content

The Subscription Hub enables Planet Hares to distribute customized, exclusive updates and promotions securely via Dmail’s state-of-the-art blockchain protocols. Subscribers can look forward to unique game features, NFT drops, and event invites.

Enhanced Security and Credibility

Leveraging Dmail's secure communication infrastructure, Planet Hares can offer an elevated level of trust and transparency to its community, reinforcing its reputation as a secure and user-focused platform.


Facilitated Onboarding

Planet Hares can utilize Dmail’s secure, blockchain-anchored communications to simplify the user onboarding process, transforming casual observers into committed community members.

Value-Added Experiences

Dmail's Subscription Hub serves as a centralized touchpoint for all of Planet Hares' offerings—from game features to NFT marketplaces—providing subscribers with a seamless, unified onboarding web3 experience.


This strategic partnership with Dmail Network’s Subscription Hub marks a new chapter for Planet Hares, facilitating immediate reach and highly secure interactions with a massive, like-minded audience. Together, we're setting the stage for unprecedented growth and innovation in the Web3 space.

Connect with Planet Hares

Planet Hares and Dmail Network invite you to be part of this next-level journey in the metaverse and blockchain communications. Don’t miss out!

Connect with Dmail: Website | Twitter | Discord | Github | Telegram