Dmail September 2023 Monthly Report

Monthly Update for September 2023- A lot going on at Dmail Network!

Dmail September 2023 Monthly Report


As the golden autumn sets in, fragrant osmanthus fills the air, welcoming a hopeful September. In this splendid season, the Dmail team extends heartfelt gratitude to you, our cherished community, for your unwavering support and trust that propels us forward.

Over the past month, our dedicated team members have worked tirelessly, not only enhancing existing features but also delving into innovation, all in pursuit of providing you with a superior decentralized service experience. Your invaluable feedback continues to be the driving force behind our progress and a key factor in our steady advancement in the competitive market.

In this monthly report, we will share the significant milestones and breakthroughs achieved by Dmail in September. We will also discuss the new challenges we face and outline our strategies to address them. Additionally, a comprehensive analysis of Dmail's performance in the market will be provided to give you a thorough understanding of our progress.

As our loyal user, your engagement is crucial. We look forward to you finding valuable insights within this report and welcome your continued feedback. It is through our interaction with you that we can better meet your needs, making Dmail an indispensable tool in your daily life and work.

Product Updates

This month's primary focus revolved around optimizing the underlying code of our email service, Web2 login, and the development of Subscription Hub 1.0. We launched a total of four versions, each with specific functionalities:


  • Enhanced encryption algorithm.


  • Optimized email sending and receiving mechanism.
  • Fixed certain bugs in NFTmint.
  • Safepal wallet integration, freemint.


  • Introduced Web2 Google login—based on Web3auth, for PC/H5.


  • Added support for opBNB network login, email sending and receiving, and earning points.


  • Added a new feature in Dmail for subscribed lists.
  • Introduced subscription information inbox in the inbox section.

In addition, Subscription Hub 1.0 beta includes the following features:

  1. Email login, invitation code verification, and project creation.
  2. Dashboard for viewing subscribed user count and total push volume.
  3. Subscriber management and subscription page sharing.
  4. Push management, sending messages to subscribers, and viewing open rates.
  5. Settings for updating project information.

Technical Advances

Web3 Email Service Low-Level Code Optimization:

  • Expanded mail wasm container storage capacity to 64G within the Dfinity subnet, adding two interfaces for batch querying and batch writing in the wasm contract to increase throughput for mail storage.

Web2 Login:

  • Added Google account authorization for Dmail login through Web2, implemented using the Web3Auth PnP No Modal SDK.
  • Completion of Google account authorization generates an EVM address, which can be exported as a private key and imported into Metamask for normal use.

Subscription Hub 1.0:

  • Integrated Subscription Hub through encapsulation of the Dmail protocol SDK, enabling bulk subscription and sending/receiving of web3 and web2 emails.
  • Reconstructed web2 sending service using the Rust low-level language to improve performance and security.
  • Built a separate NFT domain for the Subscription Hub's independent use by project parties via web3's NFT interface. Also, provided real-time delivery status monitoring for push functionality to provide open rate statistics.

Market Progress

  1. Dmail announced its integration with the Linea network, allowing users to send emails directly through Linea and receive a Freemit allocation upon initial login.

2. Mr. Daniel James, co-founder of Dmail, represented the team at the KBW event in Seoul, South Korea, and hosted a Dmail meetup.

3. Dmail, in collaboration with top-tier public chains Linea, Dfinity, and Manta, held a Twitter Space to discuss the future of public chain ecosystems.

4. Dmail was honored to be voted as the first-place winner in the Innovation Excellence track at the BNB Chain Ecosystem Catalyst event.

5. During this event, Dmail received nearly fifty thousand user votes.

6. Dmail announced a partnership with the Argent wallet, allowing users to directly log in to Dmail and send decentralized emails. Each user also receives one Freemint allocation.

7. Dmail announced a partnership with Cassava and jointly launched a Giveaway event.

8. The latest episode of Dmail Space featured the Ecosystem Leads of Starkware and Argent wallets, providing insights into the Starknet network.

9. Dmail is delighted to be one of the partners for the BNB Chain's third-anniversary event, and we look forward to establishing more great collaborations with BNB.

10. Dmail launched a new points activity, where users can follow Dmail's official Twitter account to receive 50 Dmail points.

11. According to zkSync Ecosystem data, Dmail ranks second in on-chain active users on the zkSync chain, with a user count exceeding 35.42K.

12. According to Coin98's official analysis account data, Dmail's on-chain active user count surpassed 512K in 30 days, ranking second among all DApps.

13. Dmail hosted a Space on the theme "Future Direction of the Web3 Wallet," inviting the top partners Bitget Wallet and Zerion Wallet.

14. Dmail joined Linea in hosting an online event and provided domain prizes worth $1000.

15. Dmail announced an official collaboration with SafePal. Dmail will support users in logging in directly through the SafePal wallet and will also support SafePal wallet Freemint.

16. The latest episode of Dmail Space invited Veronica Wong, the founder of SafePal, bringing insights into encrypted wallets and presenting exquisite gifts to Dmail users.

17. Dmail was recognized by BSCdaily as one of the most active projects on the BNB chain.

18. Dmail officially launched on the opBNB chain, allowing users to send emails via opBNB and receive NFT and points rewards.

19. The latest episode of Dmail Space invited the two hottest projects, Maverick and SpaceID, with both project leaders delivering exciting presentations.


As October arrives, we extend our sincere thanks to you once again for your continued interest and support for the Dmail team. In the past month, our entire team has worked tirelessly to provide an exceptional user experience, aiming to deliver high-quality services to you.

User satisfaction remains our ultimate goal, and we will continue to improve and innovate to ensure that your experience with Dmail is pleasant, convenient, and secure. We will closely monitor your feedback and continually optimize our features and performance to meet your evolving needs.

Data protection has always been a top priority for us, and we will further enhance security measures to ensure that your privacy and data receive the best possible protection. Your trust is our most precious asset, and we will not let you down, striving to continuously improve.

Once again, thank you for growing with us and providing valuable feedback. Your support is the driving force behind our progress, and we will continue to develop and innovate to bring you more high-quality services and solutions. Please stay tuned

About Dmail

Dmail Network is the preeminent web3 communications platform and is building a decentralized communication platform, offering encrypted emails, consolidated notifications, and precise marketing services across multiple chains & apps, catering to users, developers, and marketers.

Dmail Network has raised funding from HashKey Capital, Draper Dragon, KuCoin Labs, Amino Capital, HG Ventures, and 20+ top global VCs. Additionally, we are delighted to have won 1st prize in the 2021 Wanxiang Hackathon and we were also honored to have been awarded the 1st BNB Chain Grant, along with 1st place in the Innovation Excellent Category awards on BnB chain.

We are proud to have integrated and provided services for ENS, SpaceID, Lens, Starknet, BNB Chain, and more than 120+ projects, and have experienced exponential recent traction, with more than 3M users who have already sent a combined total of over 30M messages!

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